Outrageous! Rhode Island’s Proposed Sex Education Curriculum Shows The Wisdom Of Florida Law
For parents that want to instill their own values in their 12-year-old sixth graders, government authoritarians like these Rhode Island lawmakers believe their indoctrination goals trump parental rights. They know better, and to hell with you and your Puritan outlook. What’s being discussed in Rhode Island right now will have a significant impact on the morality and fragile psyches of these young children, and it validates what Governor Ron DeSantis and Republican lawmakers did in Florida. In fact, it makes us wonder if DeSantis didn’t go far enough.

Much has been said about Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law. While the left did everything possible to demonize the bill and turn public opinion against it, their efforts didn’t work.
Their media tried to label it as the “Don’t Say Gay Bill,” which it wasn’t. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten, among others, tried to convince us that kids would die as a result of the law, which they won’t. And Democrats continue to assert that the law will negatively impact the learning environment for kids in the state, which is absurd.
After all their efforts to try to use the Florida law to notch a victory in the Culture War, they’ve failed miserably. Widespread support for the bill continues, not just in Florida but across the country. Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation is wholly reasonable, and potential legislation on the opposite side of the sex education spectrum currently being discussed in Rhode Island shows why the Florida law is so necessary.
According to WJAR-TV in Providence, a bill currently being debated amongst Rhode Island lawmakers:
“Seeks to amend Rhode Island’s sex-education law to require courses include discussions of gender and sexual orientation, as well as ‘affirmatively recognize pleasure-based sexual relations.’ If approved, the education would be introduced in the 6th grade and topics would gradually get more complex through later grades.”
State Senator Tiara Mack, who is the chief sponsor of the legislation and a Democrat, makes her feelings on the matter extremely clear:
“Comprehensive, inclusive, pleasure-based health education equips and empowers our youth with a positive sense of self, and teaches them how to properly engage in healthy, consensual relationships. The conversations and the way we engage in talks surrounding our body, our communities and the relationships we have should be rooted in pleasure, not in any abuse or conflicts.”
The LGBTQ gang is fully on board with Rhode Island Democrats, of course, with one local activist stating:
“Young people deserve an education that empowers them to be themselves, and to make healthy, informed decisions about their bodies and their futures.”
Again, this curriculum Rhode Island Democrats intend to pass will be pushed on 12-year-olds.
Some of us still believe that sexuality is a beautiful, God-given activity that should be engaged in for the purposes of love, not pleasure, and it should occur in the context of marriage. While the pleasure that we derive from sex may be wonderful and worth seeking, it should not be the primary objective.
By its very nature, and by definition, such legislation is hedonistic. Additionally, this instruction will be mandated by law and paid for with taxpayer dollars. What about the parents that don’t share these values with Senator Mack?
For parents that want to instill their own values in their 12-year-old sixth graders, government authoritarians like these Rhode Island lawmakers believe their indoctrination goals trump parental rights. They know better, and to hell with you and your Puritan outlook. What’s being discussed in Rhode Island right now will have a significant impact on the morality and fragile psyches of these young children, and it validates what Governor Ron DeSantis and Republican lawmakers did in Florida. In fact, it makes us wonder if DeSantis didn’t go far enough.
By Jordan Case
Jordan Case offers opinions from the unique perspective of both entrepreneur and parent and is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative. Jordan does not participate in the cesspool of social media.
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Featured photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash