Disastrous! Biden’s Approval Rating Hits A New Low, But A Closer Look Shows Even Worse News
For Gen Z and Millennial voters, only 21% approve of the job he’s doing with an almost 3:1 ratio compared to the 60% who disapprove. Biden is performing even worse in this demographic than he is with the overall population which is utterly remarkable considering this group was so enthusiastic about Biden’s candidacy and largely responsible for his victory twenty months ago.

There are certain numerical milestones that hold particular significance, and that’s especially true for certain statistical categories. For instance, when a baseball player’s batting average dips below the .200 level, a point at which he is considered to be below “The Mendoza Line” in traditional baseball vernacular, we know he’s having a rough time at the plate. But if the numbers also show that he is on pace to strikeout 190 times during a season, it sheds even more light on his poor performance. He’s not just making a lot of outs; he’s making a lot of unproductive outs.
Such is the case with President Joe Biden and his performance ratings. In what had already been a lengthy and historically poor stretch of poll results, Biden has taken his political ineptitude to a whole new level. If Joe Biden were a baseball player, he’d make Bob Uecker look like Hank Aaron in comparison.
In a poll from Saturday by Civiqs, Biden’s overall approval rating dipped below the dreaded 30% level for the first time. According to Gallup, only five other presidents have ever polled in 20s, and no… none of those presidents were named Trump. However, one of the five was Jimmy Carter, a Commander-in-Chief that Biden appears hellbent on emulating and surpassing in incompetence.
But the poll shows more than just terrible news for Biden and his party with the overall electorate. When we look closer at the numbers and examine certain demographics, we see complete devastation. Consider some of these key takeaways:
- Overall: Approve 29% Disapprove 58%
- Independents: Approve 19% Disapprove 67%
- Hispanics: Approve 36% Disapprove 48%
- Age 18-34: Approve 21% Disapprove 60%
Therefore, let’s consider some of the key conclusions we can draw.
The 29% overall rating is horrendous, but the numbers in the three subsequent demographics are critical. Amongst independents, the group which is critical in just about every state, local, and national election, Biden’s approval is at an unfathomable 19% approval with a 67% disapproval. That puts Biden underwater by almost 50 percentage points with independents.
Amongst Hispanics, one of the Democrats’ key members of their ‘intersectional coalition’ of minority groups, Biden’s only at 36%, and that number has been consistently poor for both Biden and the Democratic Party as a whole, and could spell disaster for the party in the long-term.
And in perhaps the most shocking of all the results, Biden is performing horribly with young folks. For Gen Z and Millennial voters, only 21% approve of the job he’s doing with an almost 1:3 ratio compared to the 60% who disapprove. Biden is performing even worse in this demographic than he is with the overall population which is utterly remarkable considering this group was so enthusiastic about Biden’s candidacy and largely responsible for his victory twenty months ago.
We might expect to see Biden and his handlers switch gears. Most administrations would be sounding the alarms and declaring a Defcon 1 emergency. But the actions of the Biden Administration indicate there will be no such reaction.
They’re going to double down on every outrageous policy they’ve pushed as well as their consistently tone-deaf rhetoric. They’re going to push on identity politics to divide us at every opportunity. They will embrace the indoctrination of our children in racist and hedonistic ideologies. They’re going to disregard the financial pain of Americans and cram down climate alarmist insanity in every aspect of our lives. And they plan to utterly destroy our economy in the name of equity and to further their socialist agenda.
This is today’s Democratic Party, and these polling results are crops they have sown.
By Jordan Case
Jordan Case offers opinions from the unique perspective of both entrepreneur and parent and is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative. Jordan does not participate in the cesspool of social media.
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