
Oregon Elementary School “Queer Club” Presents To Classrooms Without Parental Knowledge Or Consent

Oregon Elementary School “Queer Club” Presents To Class...

The fact that sexuality, gender, and/or social issues are getting taught in publ...

Old Man, Take A Look at Your Life… The Delusion Of Neil Young And The Left

Old Man, Take A Look at Your Life… The Delusion Of Neil...

Fortunately, enough Americans now see through this matrix of bad faith and menda...

Memes Of The Week – 1/29/2022

Memes Of The Week – 1/29/2022

Memes of the week, brought to you by The Blue State Conservative. The post Memes...

Covid Policies Led To An Unknowable Rise In Human Trafficking

Covid Policies Led To An Unknowable Rise In Human Traff...

Covid-19 has been considered the worst epidemic in our generation. Every elected...

Knucklehead Of The Week: Neil Young Thinks It’s 1969 And Hippies Dominate Spotify

Knucklehead Of The Week: Neil Young Thinks It’s 1969 An...

Neil Young was as anti-establishment as one gets. And now, in the October of his...

Joe Biden’s Problematic Pledge To Nominate A Black Female Justice

Joe Biden’s Problematic Pledge To Nominate A Black Fema...

More than anything else, the entire process is demeaning to black women. Are the...

[VIDEO] Ron DeSantis Destroys Tony Fauci In New Ad

The ostensible reason behind the FDA's move was that monoclonals are ineffective...

The San Jose Doctrine

And why stop there? Let’s apply it to receiving medical care, or getting an educ...

[WATCH] Nancy Pelosi Waves Her Arms And Rambles Incoher...

Right after the 81-year-old Speaker announced she was running for reelection, Na...

They Do Not Want You To Know It’s Serious

Joe Biden is a Racist. A Racist doesn’t just mean someone who discriminates agai...