Knucklehead Of The Week: Justin Trudeau Has Completely ...
The truckers in Canada, just like the plumbers, nurses, and everyone else in Can...
American Conservative Humor: 11 Billboards Mocking Demo...
“Freedom Has a Nice Ring to It And a Bit of Recoil” “Whenever You Feel Stupid Re...
It Wasn’t The Science That Changed, It Was The Polls
The new inflation numbers this week were no help for Biden. At 7.5%, inflation i...
The Astounding Difference In Media Coverage Over Blue S...
Not The Bee, the news outlet that publishes headlines just as absurd as its paro...
ICYMI: Six Big News Stories From The Past Week
But what is most astonishing to me with this story is the complete lack of self-...
America Destroyed With a Wink and a Nod: Wokeism, Comm...
While America snoozed and was entertained by Hollywood, the Woke Biden regime ca...
What Will The Next Public Health Crisis Be? Freedom
History will tell you that a government willingly ceded power rarely gives that ...
ROCK BOTTOM: CNN Equates Joe Rogan’s Language To J6 Vio...
If the Babylon Bee wanted to write an article mocking corporate media’s embarras...
YUGE! Fox News Reports That The “Clinton Campaign Paid ...
In one of the biggest breakthroughs in understanding what really happened during...
Zero Clue: Democrats’ Quest For Zero Cancer Deaths, Zer...
The takeaway from all of this? Democrats are idiots. These latest policy outline...
OUTRAGEOUS: GoFundMe Cancels Payout, Commits Canadian F...
In a statement released Friday evening, the woke fundraising site GoFundMe annou...
MOMMA BEAR: Watch This Parent’s Awesome Tirade At Her S...
A video made the rounds on Twitter yesterday of a Virginia Momma Bear absolutely...
We’ve Crossed The $30 Trillion Dollar Nation Debt Line
So, who will be the dude coming over the horizon, be it a Reagan or a Thatcher, ...
The Left’s Covid Death Wish: The Mask Is Coming Off
The school board sadists surely don’t care about the kids. Everybody from the Jo...
The Pussification Of The West’s Military
Can you imagine a soldier being spanked for calling someone a dirty word? Beca...
Knucklehead Of The Week: Brian Stelter Calls The Kettle...
As the saying goes, ‘those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,’ yet...
[WATCH] Brandon Can’t Grasp “Shall Not Be Infringed”
But, assuming that by “assault weapons” he means the semi-auto only, civilian ve...
The Declining Prospects Of A Donald Trump Presidency
Apparently, I am not the only one. A recent, unsolicited column by a separate au...